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JBU Art Department Marketing & Branding



For the second semester of my sophomore year until the present, I've worked as the JBU Visual Arts Department student graphic designer for my workstudy scholarship. I worked close in conjunction with Kirk Demarais, an assistant visual arts professor, who began the process of redesigning our marketing content such as brochures, pamphlets, postcards, posters, and more. The designs featured here are pieces branching off from the work done by Demarais', who contributed access to certain resources and a few design elements. Otherwise, the specific layout, color choices, concepts, and final drafts are entirely my work.


The piece to the left was one of the first pieces I created for my job: a mail flyer for prospective highschool students to promote a traveling "reverse field trip." The Art Department intended to pack certain equipment and materials into a trailer to provide live artistic demonstrations for students at their highschools.


Mr. Demarais gave me access to the vector art depicted in this design, since he had purchased these isometric-style resources as part of a long-term rebranding project. My job was to find a visually appealing way to arrange these characters and elements for each unique design that I would produce.


I found and chose every design element that went into this postcard and spent a while adjusting colors to be more aesthetic and comfortable. I arranged them in an engaging way and placed some of Mr. Demarais' pre-designed professors on the postcard.


This project made me comfortable with the particular branding style and resources that I had on hand for my job, and it was only the beginning to all of the work that I created below.

Art and Illustration-01.jpg
Graphic Design-01.jpg
Digital Cinema-01.jpg

JBU Majors Fair Design

A recent project I tackled for workstudy is the series of poster designs featured above, all corresponding to the new JBU Visual Arts logo designed by Mr. Demarais to resemble our art buildings. The department needed a series of images to display at our regular "Majors Fair" events for prospective students, where each major or department gets a table to display work or pamphlets for visitors. Our table looked quite bare, so my supervisor had me tackle an engaging illustration for each of the majors using the same isometric art style for each one.


This project was so much fun and I'm so proud of the results. I had the opportunity to pick a unique pastel color for each major and choose which elements fit well with the overall layout. I laid out a scene in each illustration and color matched each element so that the overall design looked polished and consistent. I even placed a few little added elements of interest like a box of pizza or donuts in each scene.


To the right, you can see me standing at the Art Department's table for the Majors Fair, surrounded by the work I created!

ig post.png

The professors even liked them so much we got them printed on 7-foot banners to be displayed at similar events! I am so honored I got to be a part of this process within a year of working at the JBU Art Department, and these posters were the talk of the town amongst other JBU departments at majors fairs. I'm so thrilled they turned out so well and were such a hit.


As I continue to work for the Art Department, I will be incorporating more of this isometric illustration throughout the rest of our branding, promotional design, and other marketing collateral.


Visual Arts Academic Plans

This project is quite similar to the Majors Fair posters in that I created a unique piece for each of the five majors within the JBU Art Department. I actually had the opportunity to work on this project as part of remote workstudy at the very beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, which I was incredibly grateful for.


Naturally, I spent the longest amount of time typesetting this project. I wanted to incorporate lots of color into these designs, choosing shades that felt appropriate to each major, and these ended up being colors that I rolled with for quite a while, as seen above in my later project. The text needed to be bold to stand out, since I recognized that I had a lot of information to pack onto a standard 8.5x11" sheet of paper. It needed to be easy to read and comprehend. By blocking off each year, semester, and individual class in the way that I did, I formulated a design that should be clear and would make the easiest sense to the viewer.


I used the same visual elements from Mr. Demarais' rebranded art style, placing appropriate illustrations in the gaps of text on each academic plan. I spent time adjusting colors and editing various elements so that they fit perfectly. I really liked the results from this project and I was so excited to see them in action at our majors fairs and on display in the department!

four year plans-02.png
four year plans-03.png
four year plans-01.png
four year plans-04.png
four year plans-05.png

Classroom Sign

Scenic Designs

Using the same branding style, I created some fun scenic designs to serve as classroom signs throughout the department. I did nine in total, which featured: a theater room, illustration classrooms, a fine art studio, computer labs, the VFX lounge, our gallery spaces, the professors' office space, the printmaking hive, and a photography studio.


I had to hunt high and low for the right visual elements to include in each space, as some of the equipment was very specific and would not necessarily come with these isometric vector assets. What I couldn't find, I would make myself by tweaking and changing other pieces. It was a tedious process that had awesome results, and I can't wait to see these hanging throughout the department buildings.

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