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Social & Display
Ad Design



One of my first projects for ACE included two digital ad campaigns, one targeted towards potential donors, the other targeted towards families. The ads for the family recruitment campaign are featured first. I designed for both Basis and Google Display Network servers as well as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, creating simple animations with a powerful message. My project manager and I brainstormed copy and messaging, and I was tasked with finding imagery and creating the animation itself.


I featured a sad, grayscale image of a student followed by the same student in bright colors and a cheerful context for both of these campaigns. As such, I hoped to push the message of ACE's transformative impact and the difference that a change of context can make. ACE had used this before-and-after messaging throughout a majority of their collateral and messaging, so I wanted to see how this would translate to ad design.


For these campaigns, I built out 7 different sizes for each ad set, divided between DSP and social. We hoped to run A/B testing on the imagery in these ads, and thus featured the same or similar copy on some of the ad sets.

The campaign geared towards donors linked to a simple landing page (viewable here) designed to capture visitor information and provide us with data to evaluate. I collaborated with another designer on this campaign. She handled the landing page, and I pulled imagery and built out the ad sets. We set up this campaign in four parts: the Problem, the Mission, the Impact, and Testimony. As such, she set up the landing page in four sections to reflect these pillars, and I created an ad set for each. We had the perfect opportunity to use a picture and a quote from a recent ACE alumna for the testimony piece.


As with the family recruitment campaign, we explored different copy options for each of the ad sets. I created variety between the copy featured on the social ads versus on the DSP ads, thus allowing the extra copy to be utilized in the caption of the social placements. 


Ultimately, ACE did not use these campaigns long-term, hence why a landing page was never utilized for the family recruitment campaign (I fully built it out, but never published the page). Naturally, ACE's donor base was best nurtured through face-to-face interactions, events, physical marketing pieces such as mailers or flyers, and email blasts. However, these digital campaigns and ad sets were a great opportunity for me to explore digital marketing, copywriting, and how to break down ACE's most important values and selling points into a few words.

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