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Landing Page Design



I had the opportunity to craft a few different landing pages for ACE in order to provide better access to information for those in need of it - donors, partner school, and families. A couple of these were linked to digital campaigns that never launched, but two in particular were heavily utilized.


The landing page featured to the right was linked with a print tax credit campaign that launched at the beginning of the year. ACE's outreach includes four states with tax credit programs, and as such, we sought to market this tax credit incentive in the first few months of the calendar year. This entailed 5x7 informational booklets that were both mailed and handed out, which linked out to this landing page, giving interested donors the option to send in their donation via mail or online.


My team utilized Instapage for our digital campaigns, which is a relatively simplified design tool, and as such, I incorporated some light HTML coding for this page. Due to the amount of dense text for each of the four states, I coded a simple drop-down feature that allowed each state's information to twirl down at a time. I included hyperlinks as well as adjusted font size and weight to better organize and clarify the information.





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The second landing page that we launched was geared towards partner schools in Arkansas. ACE Arkansas' state director wanted to provide a consolidated platform for partner schools to access ACE branding tools and resources such as fonts, colors, images, student and family quotes, YouTube videos, and more. This page served largely as a storage system for any relevant ACE Arkansas assets. I enjoyed exploring intuitive layouts for this page by starting with a hand-drawn content outline and then translating that to digital. Thanks to this page, partner schools were able to accurately feature ACE as a financial assistance option on their websites and handouts.



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Family Recruitment Campaign

ACE's family recruitment campaign was an ad and landing page campaign that I designed to completion but never launched due to the needs of the client. I created a set of ads as well as this corresponding page, including FAQs, application directions, and breakdowns of cost at various household income levels. I aimed for consistency by using the same imagery on this page as I had done with the ads.


I developed a hand-drawn, detailed content outline (right) in order to efficiently and precisely place imagery and information. I pulled and consolidated content from ACE's website and worked with my manager to pare it down to the basics. The goal here was more so to capture visitor information and push them forward to ACE's site.


I really enjoyed the experience of drawing out the information by hand, rearranging and reordering based on input from peers, and translating that layout to a finished page. I would love to have taken this kind of UI/UX design to the next level by developing a full-fledged website. Diving deeper into information architecture and site mapping is one of my middle-term goals as a designer since I care significantly about the experience and intuition of user journeys on the web.



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