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About Me

I’m Laura, an artist from the Midwest and a graduate of John Brown University, where I studied both Illustration and Graphic Design. I call Kansas City home but have been living in south Denver for about a year, where I am currently working and exploring my future career.


I have a passion for digital illustration, printmaking, concept art, and print design. Packaging, company branding, and campaigns are my favorite creative challenges to solve. I love working as part of a team of artistic minds to improve my skills and to produce beautiful work; some of my favorite pieces have come from collaborations with other artists. My dream would be to work with a favorite musical artist or band to produce concept and album art for their tours and campaigns. 


When I’m not doodling on Procreate or learning a new Adobe Creative Suite program, I love spending time with my two little devils that some people call cats (named Basquiat and Hephaestus, for anyone wondering), researching off-beat interior design ideas on Pinterest, and pointing out every font that I recognize in public, preferably all while downing an iced latte. In the wild, you might find me wandering around local art and history museums or hanging out at a coffee shop. I always keep a sketchbook full of pen and ink, acrylic paint, collages, and watercolor to stay in touch with my childhood love for fine art.


You can reach me over email, LinkedIn, or Instagram!


(Bottom right photo by Anna Chan)

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